Is this the week
the reality principle sets in for the EU? And for the political leaders who
support the massive fiction that they can actually govern their countries without
being told what to do by the Brussels Commissioners and the Committees that
dream up newer and better ways of diminishing personal liberty?
Yes. This is the
week that will go down in history as the undoing of the European master plan
for a toxic super state to end all others.
In an earlier
post on my Paris blog site ( headlined
" A Walk in the Woods" I described how I got lost in the Forest of
Rambouillet and found the house, now a museum, of Jean Monet, founding father
of the European Union. As I reported then, I was moved by the sentiments
expressed by Monet, De Gaulle and Winston Churchill in the letters they wrote
to each other in those days before World War 2. The idealism, the belief in a
European Union that transcended nationalism, the hope that this union would end
war in Europe.
My belief in the
European dream, which also inspired me to stand in the first European
Parliamentary elections, had however dwindled to a mere 'If only." Now, I've
hardened my determination that the uk should leave the EU, as its own interests
are seriously threatened.
If the only
means of doing this is to vote for a politician who is listening to the pulse
of opinion, then we do it regardless of the rest of the package.
I fear that the
Cleggs, Camerons and Millibands of this world think they know better what the
demos wants. But now, a voice has been heard --which however dodgily connected
to far right sentiments-- does actually show that its owner has been listening
to what all us ordinary folks are saying.
Let's not try to
educate the voters at this point. Let's just listen to their heartbeats.
As I came out of
Tesco last night carrying my bottle of Cava, I paused to chat to a guy who
works there.
He was preparing
to risk the rain on his bike, as was I. After our comments about cycling in
tropical downpours we turned to the EU elections. I had missed the close of
poll on my return from Paris but he had passed his polling station on his
return from Ibitha and cast his vote. We discussed UKIP. I said I dont mind
foreigners, I just dont like Brussels telling us what to do. He said he had
been to eight countries already this year so foreigners were not a problem.
What he disliked, he said was not being listened to.
So it's the
arrogance of the Dave, Nick, Ed types that, frankly, get's us onto Nigel's
Will these ear-plug
wearing party leaders respond? They must now know the options. The number one
item on the Agenda is getting the uk out of an expensive catastrophe which,
alas, is will get worse.
Too swift enlargement
of the EU is one mistake, but the common currency is the major reason for the
EU's failure. I warned John Major about the disaster of being part of the ERM
in 1992. He stepped back after Black Wednesday. But I suspect his belief in the
common currency had not faltered. Cameron, then Special Advisor to Chancellor
Norman Lamont, quickly found another job when Major fired Lamont in May 1993
for saying he sang in his bath after the UK left the ERM.
So, to get back
to my question, what next, Dave, Nick and Ed?
Clearly, if you
read the rhetoric from the other side of the channel, whatever they say as
palliatives about border control and immigration, the juggernaut of political
and fiscal union is still rolling. Regardless of the impossibility of
harmonizing disparate economies, the conventional party leaders still want one
United States of Europe. And it's this obsession with competition with the US that
is driving Europe to disaster. Thanks to the failure to understand the nature
of the Federal Union as opposed to nations with thousands of years of cultural
individuality, this is doomed. Thanks to the Euro, the failure of EU economies
is keeping the world in recession.
So, will Dave,
Nick and Ed get the message? Or will they persist in their support for central,
undemocratic control of all European nations. More Governance, better
Governance, said my French EU loving lover. In other words more and more
central control of banking, finance and law.
Grab the lifebelts say I. The Titanic is
going down.