Sunday, 5 October 2014

Nesta Wyn Ellis: from politics, journalism and biography to songs, stage and film.

She was the most famous author of the 1990's, splashed across front pages and plastered across inside pages too, and a favourite of TV shows for her revealing biography of John Major and a subsequent collection of mini biographies of "Britain's Top 100 Eligible Bachelors." These two books were all about Sex, Power and Politics and Sex, Power and Money. She denied being John Major's Mistress while Edwina Curry believed this was true
After a decade of inconvenient celebrity, of being stopped in the street for autographs and written about in a way she thought distorted her character, Nesta Wyn Ellis decided to live in Paris. She returned to the uk last year after 13 years. 
At once, she set about editing and organising the publication on Amazon Kindle of some of her novels. One, 'The Banker's Daughter' is a title well known to the public, already issued in hardback and paperback and still available from Internet bookshops world-wide
Some reviewers compared it, due to its tale of passion across a class divide, with DH Lawrence's famous love story, 'Lady Chatterly's Lover.' Currently, there are many who say this wonderfully plotted story of obsessive sexual passion set against a taughtly drawn background of Westminster politics, crime and City of London banking is far more tittilating than Fifty Shades of Grey.
Lioness Books is also publishing three novels Nesta wrote in Paris. One of these "Three Days in September," is the book version of the screen story she is now producing and will direct.
Set mainly in Paris, 'Three Days In September' tells how a singer who follows her elusive love there, is compelled to resolve shadowy issues from her past, when, in Paris, she meets a second love: the encounter moves the story forward into a confusing miasma of haunting visions.
Nesta's songs and theme music will bring a beautiful subtext to the story, enhancing the subtle shades of grey of the Parisian Autumn and Winter scenes and the deeply melancholic mood of this drama of divided love.
Locations have been found, some key actors identified and distribution and production finance are being coordinated.
Work on the musical score now dominates Nesta's agenda. Some songs that she has already performed at London and Paris concerts and the Edinburgh Festival in English and French have been recorded on earlier albums. Now, songs composed in Paris and London form the body of work that will be part of the film score and tracks for the latest album she is preparing.
Hard on the heels of this comes the actual production work and directing of scenes for 'Three Days In September' in London, Germany but mainly France (where Nesta, a fluent French speaker, has already worked on productions for internationally based companies with her 'Paris Production Services' facility).
A half hour interview in the Face to Face series from ITV Wales appears on October 23rd. A tour of Nesta's career from her political and journalistic days to her singing and film production developments will keep audiences engrossed with the life of this unusual and versatile talent. Meanwhile, she is completing work on a version of her life story that covers those most startling years from the late 1970's in Africa, America and London to her departure, shrouded in mystique, for another life and a story, yet to be revealed, in Paris.

Links to Four novels by Nesta Wyn Ellis published by Lioness Books on Amazon Kindle"

The Mistress

Three Days in September

The Banker’s Daughter

A Love Is Like A Day